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How to make the hookah charcoal last longer by charcoal tablets machine
Whether you use natural hookah charcoal, or quick-lite coals you are going to want to make sure that they are thoroughly heated all the way through until they turn an ashy gray.
We are manfacturing the charcoal tablets machines,it has the mechnical and hydraulic type,and the charcoal shapes are round talbets and cubic size.as you can see in our charcoal pics.
 A well lit coal will burn through its entire life, and make your hookah session longer. Additionaly managing the heat on the bowl is essential. Wind Covers are a great way to trap heat and extend the life of the hookah coals. The Kaloud Lotus Heat Management System is also a superb way to prevent your shisha from burning, and make it easier for you to manage your coals. Also, placing the coals around the edge of the bowl, rather than right in the middle, can help equally distribute the heat. Poking even, small holes along the surface area of your hookah foil can also help with this.
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